When you find your voice,
that’s when everything changes.

About Joleene

Hi. I’m Joleene DesRosiers, a spirited speaker, coach, and content creator. The first time I took to the stage in front of a group and saw the eagerness of the crowd and their desire to take back their lives, I was hooked. They wanted their voices back. THEY WANTED EASE. They wanted to live softly, yet with great love and abundance. Thanks to a series of mistakes and falling down, I found my own voice within my soft, feminine energy. And now I’m here to teach others how to do the same, both in thier personal coaching businesses and personal relationships by ditching the wounded, controlling masculine and leading with a strong, yet soft feminine power.


I offer three primary coaching packages: The first: I help women struggling in romantic relationships who feel they have to make all the decisions and lead in the relationship, but want to move into their soft, sensual, and peaceful self. The second, I help women struggling to take their voice back. They tend to people please and don’t know how to say no. They want to create better boundaries and speak up for themselves. The third, I help women entrepreneurs who lead with hard, wounded masculine energy (and are exhausted from it) to lead with a softer, more peaceful feminine energy. The results are more abundance, better clients, and easier days.


Conversations in Bed with Joleene DesRosiers and Ken Case is the most fun you’ll have discovering more about the masculine and feminine energies and how they serve you at work, in life, and in relationships. Recorded from their bed with coffee in hand, this powerhouse couple puts the work in every day to create a healthy, loving relationship together. Their stories, guests, and tips will move you to a space to help create more powerful familial relationships, romantic relationships, and genuine friendships.


Put me on a stage or in your room if you want to transform leaders and listeners in a way that encourages compassionate leadership, elicits genuine change, and ignites inspiration. I offer three dynamic talks that will have attendees buzzing for days.
1) Leading With Healed Energy (to get better results)
2) How to Overcome Toxic Corporate Culture
3) How Your Wounded Masculine is Killing You


COMING SOON! From virtual workshops to small, in person retreats, Joleene leads with experience, compassion, and actionable input that will allow you to begin transforming your business or personal life immediately. Keep your eyes peeled for personal relationship workshops with Joleene DesRosiers and Ken Case. This fun and engaging couple share their lived experience of diving into healing their feminine and masculine energies to create a genuinely passionate and loving relationship like no other they’ve ever had. Healthy love is possible. It truly, truly, is.

Ready to Take Your Voice Back?